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 تحميل لعبة الطيران الرائعة الحقيقية Rebel raiders. Operation Nighthawk 2010

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مزاجي : تحميل لعبة الطيران الرائعة الحقيقية Rebel raiders. Operation Nighthawk 2010  446705154
عملي : تحميل لعبة الطيران الرائعة الحقيقية Rebel raiders. Operation Nighthawk 2010  Collec10
عدد المساهمات : 57
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/02/2011
العمر : 27
الموقع : SADANET2.YOO7.COM

تحميل لعبة الطيران الرائعة الحقيقية Rebel raiders. Operation Nighthawk 2010  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: تحميل لعبة الطيران الرائعة الحقيقية Rebel raiders. Operation Nighthawk 2010    تحميل لعبة الطيران الرائعة الحقيقية Rebel raiders. Operation Nighthawk 2010  Icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 25, 2011 6:01 pm

لعبة الطيران الرائعة

Rebel raiders. Operation Nighthawk

تحميل لعبة الطيران الرائعة الحقيقية Rebel raiders. Operation Nighthawk 2010  Rraidbox

Earthlings have conquered all the worlds of the solar system, the first
in the history of mankind interplanetary Commonwealth - the Confederacy.
However, over time, the Confederate government became increasingly
cruel and inhumane, and freedom gave way to tyranny. The Commonwealth
has become an empire. Not everyone agreed with this situation: many of
the nation expressed their desire to leave the Union and without delay,
were declared enemies of the Confederacy. Started the war for
independence, and you - the leader of the rebels fighting squadron -
will play not the least role in this conflict.


  • 23 aircraft capable of conducting combat operations at an altitude
    of 15 kilometers.

  • Futurist environment, supersonic speed and unlimited firepower will
    be your constant companions.

  • A variety of tasks: you can become ace fighter pilot or an
    experienced bomber.

System requirements:

  • Operating system Windows 98/ME/2000/XP

  • CPU Pentium III 1 GHz

  • 128 MB RAM

  • 600 MB free hard disk space

Year: 2006
Developer: Kando Games
Genres: Arcade / Simulator
(Flight Combat)
Language: Russian
Medicine: not required

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Download game Rebel raiders. Operation
Nighthawk (472 MB):

تحميل لعبة الطيران الرائعة الحقيقية Rebel raiders. Operation Nighthawk 2010  DDD4D

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تحميل لعبة الطيران الرائعة الحقيقية Rebel raiders. Operation Nighthawk 2010
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